WDMA Files ANSI Project Initiation Notification (PINS) for the Development of New Standard for Fiberglass Reinforced Polymer (FRP) Doors and Frames

The Window & Door Manufacturers Association (WDMA) has filed an ANSI Project Initiation
Notification (PINS) to propose the development of a new standard for commercial fiberglass
reinforced polymer (FRP) doors and frames. This standard will set performance attributes for FRP
doors and frames and will fill an industry gap for industrial-built doors that are intended to
withstand moisture, chemicals, and damage caused by extensive use. These doors are used in
environments such as educational facilities, healthcare, wastewater treatment facilities, pool
areas, food processing, dairies, zoos, veterinary o,ices, and other industrial building types. FRP
doors and frames are versatile where door performance in harsh environments is essential and
where other door types may fail in this type of environment.

WDMA is seeking stakeholder participation in the development of this standard such as FRP door
and frame manufacturers, FRP door component suppliers, architects, specification writers,
building o,icials, building owners, facility managers, end users, and distributors.
The PINS announcement was published in the
ANSI Standards Action on April 12th, 2024, and is
open for public comment for 30 days through May 12
th, 2024. For questions, comments, or if you
are interested in participating in the development of the standard, please send an email to
[email protected].

The Window & Door Manufacturers Association is an ANSI-accredited standards developer for
fenestration products such as windows, doors, and skylights. These standards define the expected
performance of fenestration products and serve as voluntary industry benchmarks rooted in widely
accepted practices. 

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