Upcoming Joint Webinar: ENERGY STAR | How Your Association Can Help You Report Unit Shipment Data
EPA is updating their ENERGY STAR Residential Window, Door and Skylight unit shipment data collection process for ENERGY STAR products shipped in 2023. They recently sent an announcement providing details on what information they intend to collect. It will be the responsibility of every ENERGY STAR Residential Window, Door and Skylight partner to submit the requested 2023 shipment data by March 1, 2024.
In addition, WDMA and FGIA are partnering to anonymously aggregate shipping data from our member companies and provide it to EPA in order to satisfy your reporting requirements.
As a member of one of our associations, we would like to provide additional information on how you can prepare now to track the necessary shipment data in order to comply with the ENERGY STAR reporting requirements. A one-hour webinar has been scheduled for Tuesday, February 28 at 12:30 p.m. Eastern to provide details related to the data collection requirements. Doug Anderson from the EPA’s ENERGY STAR program will be present and will respond to questions. Registration is open exclusively to FGIA and WDMA members.
Questions to be addressed during the webinar:
- How should your data collection system be set up?
- What data is EPA looking to gather?
- Do we have to report total units shipped in addition to ENERGY STAR shipments?
- How does EPA define windows, doors and skylights?
- What counts as a “unit shipped” according to EPA?
- How are Version 6.0 vs. 7.0 products counted?
- What determines if a product can be counted as ENERGY STAR?
- How can you avoid double counting?
If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to reach out to Craig Drumheller for WDMA or Angela Dickson for FGIA.